

        Annual Report

Indreni Rural Development Centre Nepal  Buddhabhumi 2, Kapilvastu
Fiscal Year 2074/075



Indreni Rural development Centre Nepal
Jayanagar, Kapilvastu
Tel.: 097776545013

1.      Indreni Rural Development Centre Nepal at a Glimpse

Indreni Rural Development Centre Nepal is a nongovernmental development organization registered in District Administration Office of Kapilvatu in 1995. It has had a lot of experiences in the field of Human rights and Good Governance, Disaster Risk Reduction, Education, Health, Water Supply, Environmental Sanitation, Income Generating Programs, Saving and Credit Mobilization with the partnership of various government and non-government agencies.
Vision :
·         The vision of this organization is to establish a dynamic, prosperous and just society.

Mission :
·         Educating, organizing and empowering the communities on economic, social, cultural and environmental development for dynamic, prosperous and just society through the mobilization of local resources and advocacy.
Values :
·         Participatory approach.
·         Mutual cooperation.
·         Non communal and unbiased behavior.
·         Belief on works.
·         Friendly behaviors towards the nature.
·         Adoption of Do no harm principle.

Goal :
·         The goal of this organization is to work for the economic, social, cultural and environmental development of marginalized community through the proper utilization of local resources and increased access on rights, services and opportunities.

Objectives :
The major objectives of this organization are to:
·         Create awareness on education, health and sanitation through various educational programs.
·         Conduct income generation activities for the self-reliance and economic uplift of the deprived communities.
·         Provide reproductive health services to the community.
·         Establish ecological balances by preventing environmental degradation.
·         Coordinate with Gos, NGOs and INGOs to launch community development activities.
·         Work to promote human rights, good governance, Sustainable livelihoods, disaster risk reduction and climate change issues.

2.      Annual Report 2017/2018 (2074/2075)

In this fiscal year 2074/2075 (2017/2018) the organization had completed and involved in many social and development activities as well as in the capacity building of its own staffs and its partner communities. The major programmes and projects accomplished in this year are Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program, Initiatives for Social and Economic Empowerment of Marginalized Communities and Civil Society Mutual Accountability Project etc..
This report comprises 3 parts – Part 1 includes administrative and capacity building activities like meetings, staff recruitment, capacity building, Part – 2 includes program activities implemented in the target areas and Part 3 includes financial transaction covered in this fiscal year.

Part 1

3.      Administrative and Capacity Building Activities

In this fiscal year the organization had conducted 1 general assembly meetings and 10 executive committee meetings. Simultaneously the members and staffs had participated the meetings, interactions and orientations organized by DDMC, DCC, Rural and Urban Municipalities, IM Swedish Development Partner, RWSSFDB, NGO Federation, COCAP and other government and non-government agencies.

The organization had conducted various trainings, workshops, interactions for the capacity building of its human resources and also involved and celebrated various national and international days. In this fiscal year the organization had conducted orientations on gender and social inclusion, climate change, food security, rights based approach and report writing to the staffs and organization members. It also observed national earthquake safety day, international human rights day, international women rights day, 16 day campaigns against gender based violence, national children's day, "Ma Khadina" campaign against corruption etc. collaborating other government and nongovernment organizations.

Part – 2

4.      Programs / Projects run in this Fiscal Year

In this fiscal year following programs/projects were implemented in the various in  Kapilvastu and Palpa districts.

Name of Program/Project
Support Organization
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WASH
Buddhabhumi Municipality (Jayanagar, Buddi and Dubiya)
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board
Initiatives for Social and Economic Empowerment of Marginalized Communities
Bijayanagar Rural Municipality (Gugauli, Khurhuriya) and Shivaraj Municipality (Shivagadhi)
IM Swedish Development Partner
Civil Society Mutual Accountability Project
Bijayanagar Rural Municipality
FHI 360

I.        Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program

The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Program has been implementing in Jayanagar, Buddi and Dubiya of Buddhabhumi municipality of Kapilvastu district. This project is a demand driven community based project completely run by the users with the facilitation of this organization. This project aims to enhance the access of rural community on safe drinking water and sanitation facilities. The total households covered by this program are 375 households comprising 2318 population.
This program is almost completed but in Dubiya due to the presence of Arsenic the hand pumps are not installed. In this community overhead tank is being constructed so the project is still running. During this period following activities are accomplished under this program.
       Installation of hand pumps
       Site appraisal for overhead tank
       Design and estimate for overhead tank
       Agreement with RWSSFDB for the construction of overhead tank
       Orientation on waste management
       Overhead tank construction work is going on.

II.     Initiatives for Social and Economic Empowerment of Marginalized Communities

Indreni Rural Development Centre Nepal is implementing Initiatives for Social and Economic Empowerment of Marginalized Communities (ISEE) Project in Bijayanagar Rural Municipality (Gugauli, Khurhuriya) and Shivaraj Municipality ward No. 9 (Shivagadhi VDC) of Kapilvastu district with the partnership of Swedish Development Partner from 2015. The main purpose of this project is to facilitate the marginalized communities to uplift their social and economic status following rights based development approaches.
The goal of this project is Women, Men and youths living in the target locations enjoy their socio economic and cultural rights in diversified ethnicity with unity, human dignity and self-respect.
The outcome of this project is "Marginalized women and men of project area have increased income and improved social status".
The project has targeted to achieve 4 outputs
-          Marginalized women, men and youths of project areas have been organized and mobilized to promote ESC rights.
-          Economic empowerment of man and women of marginalized communities are enhanced through increasing access to income generating opportunities
-          Enhanced advocacy initiatives by marginalized communities to claim their ESC rights and their effective implementation.
-          Increased capacities and organizational development of IRDC as a model CSO for the promotion of ESC rights.

To achieve the abovementioned outputs following the major activities accomplished during this period are:
  • Strengthening of LED groups
  • Refresher training to LED Facilitators
  • Formation of Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) Network in local and district level
  • Business Plan Initial Training to LED participants
  • Need Based Technical trainings to LED participants
  • Linkages and coordination meeting with government and private sectors for resource access
  • Meeting with market Management Committee and other stakeholders
  • Training on advocacy skills to group leaders and network representatives
  • Supports to LED groups and ESCR networks for advocacy campaigns
  • Media mobilization for the promotion ESC rights and publication of best practices
  • Publication of best practices
  • Village and district Project Advisory Committee Meeting

III.  Civil Society Mutual Accountability Project

Indreni Rural Development Centre Nepal is implementing Civil Society Mutual Accountability Project in Bijayanagar Rural Municipality of Kapilvastu district with the partnership of FHI 360 from March 2017. The main purpose of this project is to foster a more legitimate, accountable, and resilient Nepali civil society that is capable of advancing the public interest.

The objectives of this project are:
·         Improved civil society and media capacity for effective policy advocacy and government engagement;
·         More coordinated and effective civil society and media oversight of public resource use and public service delivery; and
·         Strengthened organizational capacity and sustainability of selected CSOs working in USAID priority sectors to advance local solutions.
Major activities accomplished during this period are:
  • ·         Coalition building among the CSOs
  • ·         Establishment of local level common Assembly
  • ·         Formation of Public-Private Working Groups (PPWGs)
  • ·         Establishment of Shreejasil Shakhas
  • ·         Coordination meeting among CSOs, media, networks and government officials
  • ·         Public expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) in education and agricultural Sector
  • ·         Capacity building of CSOs
  • ·         Campaign against corruption (Ma Khadina)
  • ·         Interactions with government and civil society.

Part -3

5.      Financial Activities

All of the financial activities of the organization are run under the financial guidelines of the organization.

The details of income and expenditure in mentioned Audit Report. 

२०औं भूकम्प सुरक्षा दिवस २०७४
सक्षम समुदाय र स्थानीय सरकार, भूकम्पीय सुरक्षाको बलियो आधार ।

भूकम्प वा भुइंचालो कुनैपनि बेला आउन सक्छ । भुईंचालोको समयमा हामी घर, अफिस, बाटो, बजार जहाँ पनि हुन सक्छौं र जहाँ भएपनि भईंचालो आउँदाको समय सुरक्षितरुपले बस्न सकियो भने हाम्रो ज्यान जोगिन सक्छ । यसको पूर्वानुमान र नियन्त्रण प्रणाली नहँुदा मानिसले सदियौं देखि जनधनको क्षति भोग्दै आईरहनु परेको छ । वि.सं. १९९० माघ २ मा गएको भूकम्पबाट ८५१९ मानिसको मृत्यु हुनुको साथै धेरै संपत्ति तथा संरचनाहरु नष्ट भएका थिए । त्यस्तै २०७२ बैसाख १२ मा गएको भूकम्प र त्यसपछि गएका पराकम्पनबाट लगभग ९ हजार जनाको मृत्यु, २२ हजार भन्दा बढी जना घाइते हुनुको साथै धेरै वस्तुभाउ तथा भौतिक संपत्तिको क्षति भएको छ र त्यसको घाउ र पीडा अझै आलै छ । जुनसुकै बेला घट्न सक्ने यस्तो विनासकारी घटनाको सामना पूर्णरुपमा गर्न नसकिएता पनि हामी बस्ने घर तथा प्रयोग गर्ने संरचनाहरु भूकम्प प्रतिरोधी बनाउने र संभाबित भूकम्पको जाखिमबाट कसरी बच्ने र यसको सामना कसरी गर्ने ? भन्ने विषयमा सचेत भई हामी बस्ने घर, गाउँ, शहर, तथा संघ, संस्था, विद्यालयहरुमा विपद पूर्वतयारी तथा सचेतनाका कार्यक्रमहरु संचालन गरी सावधानीका उपायहरु अपनाउने हो भने यसबाट हुने जनधनको क्षतिलाई न्यूनिकरण गर्न सकिन्छ । त्यसै उद्धेश्य अनुरुप भूकम्पीय जोखिमलाई न्यूनिकरण गर्न सबैको जानकारीको लागि यो सूचनामूलक सन्देश तयार गरिएको छ ।

भूकम्प पूर्वतयारीको लागि अवलम्बन गर्नु पर्ने कुराहरु
·         भूकम्प आउँदा घर, पुल, विजुलीको तार, खम्बा आदि भत्किएर जनधनको क्षति हुने हुँदा नयाँ घरसंरचनाहरु बनाउँदा नेपाल सरकारबाट निर्धारित मापदण्ड अनुसार भूकम्प प्रतिरोधी बनाऔं । पुराना घरसंरचनाहरुको प्राविधिक जाँच गराई आवश्यकता अनुसार मर्मत संभार गरौं र भूकम्प प्रतिरोधी बनाऔं ।
·         भूकम्प थोरै समयसम्म आउने भएको हुँदा घरको माथिल्लो तलामा भएको अवस्थामा सजिलै बाहिर निस्कन समय नहुने हुँदा घरको प्रत्येक तलामा सुरक्षित स्थान पहिचान गरौं जस्तो बलियो टेवल, डेस्क, खाट आदि जहाँ भूकम्पको समय सजिलै जान सकियोस र घुँडा टेकी गुडुल्किएर टाउको र ढाडलाई सुरक्षित राखी ओत लाग्ने ("Drop, Cover & Hold") गर्न सकियोस । यस्तो ठाँउमा समय समयमा अभ्यास गरौं जसले गर्दा भूकम्पको समयमा सुरक्षित बन्न सहज हुन्छ ।
·         कोठामा ग¥ह्रौं र अग्ला सरसमानहरु, फर्निचरहरु नढल्ने र नखस्ने गरी बलियोसँग भित्तामा बाँधेर राखौं र सकभर ग¥ह्रौं सामानहरु भूई तल्लामा राखौं जसले गर्दा भूकम्पको समयमा हल्लिएर ढल्दा, खस्दा चोटपटक लाग्ने संभावना कम हुन्छ ।
·         भूकम्प आयो भने के गर्ने, कसो गर्ने भनी आपmनो परिवारसँग छलफल गरी पूर्वतयारीको योजना बनाएमा भूकम्पको समयमा सुरक्षित बन्न सजिलो हुन्छ ।घरमा प्राथमिक उपचार सामाग्री, टर्चलाईट, रेडियो, महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति तथा संस्थाको संपर्क नम्बर आदि तयारी अवस्थामा राखौं जसले गर्दा आपदकालीन अवस्थामा तत्काल सहयोग प्राप्त गर्न सजिलो हुन्छ ।
·         जनचेतनाका लागि परिवार, समुदायका ब्यक्तिहरु, विद्यालयका शिक्षक विद्यार्थीहरु, नजिकको प्रहरी कार्यालय तथा स्वास्थ्य संस्थासंग छलफल गरौं र आपदकालीन अवस्थाको लागि पूर्वतयारीको योजना बनाऔं ।
भूकम्प आएको समयमा अपनाउनु पर्ने कुराहरु
·         नआत्तिई धैर्यताका साथ परिस्थितिको लेखाजोखा गरी निर्णय लिउँ ।
·         ढोकामा उभिने वा टेबुल, डेस्क, खाटमुनि घुँडा टेकी गुडुल्किएर टाउको र ढाडलाई सुरक्षित राखी ओत लाग्ने ("Drop, Cover & Hold") गरी सुरक्षित बन्ने प्रयास गरौं ।
·         भत्कन सक्ने, खस्न सक्ने बस्तुको नजिक नबसौं ।
·         यदि भूईतल्लामा बस्नु हुन्छ भने नआत्तिकन तुरुन्त बाहिर निस्कने र सुरक्षित स्थानमा पुगौं ।
·         भुकम्पको बेला भ¥याङ्गबाट नहिंड्ने, झ्यालबाट हामफाल्ने कार्य नगरौं ।
·         बिजुलीको लाईन, खोलाको किनारा, अग्ला अग्ला रुख तथा भवन नजिक नजाऔं ।
·         यदि सवारी साधन चलाईरहनु भएको छ भने सडकबाट हटेर सुरक्षित स्थान तर्फ लगेर रोकौं ।
·         बालबालिका, बृृद्घ, गर्भवती र अशक्तहरुलाई प्राथमिकताका साथ मद्दत गरौं ।

भूकम्पको पूर्वानुमान संभव नभएको हुँदा कुनै हल्लाको पछि नलागौं । सचेत बनौ, सुरक्षित बनौं, भूकम्पीय जोखिमबाट सबैलाई जोगाऔं ।


जिल्ला विपद व्यवस्थापन समिति कपिलवस्तु
गैरसरकार संस्था महासंघ, जिल्ला शाखा कपिलवस्तु
इन्द्रेणी ग्रामीण विकास केन्द्र नेपाल   ESCR Network / CS: MAP

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